Sunday, May 30, 2004


The polesmokers who infected my computer have hijacked my fucking links. I am seriously pissed and drunk. If I ever met these guys, I'd slit their throats in front of their families, even if it was a baptism.

So beware of links with Green thick lines under them especially loser buzz words like job, insurance, employment, etc. I in absolutely no fucking way endorse cocksmokers, their shit eating way of business. I think a stick of dynamite up their asshole is too good for these cunts.

These guys should be strung up by their thumbs, pissed on, beaten, pissed on, set on fire. Their ashes should be mixed into the drinks of homeless people and pissed against a wall somewhere. Spy this. FUCK YOU!

Rage against the machine

I have to admit, I am in the "I don't know shit" about the political situation back in the Democratic People's Constitutional Monarchy of Canada, but I do know when something is fucked. And it's fucked.

I know some people who are very highly educated, intelligent, well-spoken and can think for themselves. Yet, none of them appear to be able to crack the "Red Ceiling", and get themselves into a more comfortable lifestyle. A lot of people my age, are working hand-to-mouth at shit jobs, getting fucked by banks, by the government, just about by anything but hot chicks. Jesus tap dancing Christ, we are in our 30s and we are living like we did when we were first year Uni students! And we still cling to the belief that the Leafs will win the Cup. (They wont unless they sign this guy)

Only a generation ago, people could get a half decent job, a house and a car. With our level of education, we wouldn't be flipping burgers or teaching unteachables English. Them was some good times. What the fuck happened? Now, the questions are "What about gay marriages?" "Is Canada a second-rate socialist country?". This is the question us educated down-in-outs should ask ourselves.

I dont pay tax, because I don't live there anymore. Going back is like being Daddy Warbucks. I am the only one who has any money to spend. The last time I was in Toronto, I did two of my favourite things; I watched the Leafs clobber Les Habs and smoked up everyday. The guys I was staying with have lived in the same apartment for almost 10 years. Why? Because they cant afford to move out. Let alone, a new set of dishes, an iron, furniture, et cetra.

Okay, I'm going to extrapolate. An average $24,000/year job. (that's $12/hour)
Income tax at 30%, EI premiums at 10%, Bills (including rent, Hydro, insurance premiums,etc) $600/month, or 10% (I'm being very conservative with that figure). Now we are at $6/hour, or $12,000. Aren't you hungry? That's another $2400/year easy. Now you have $9600 in you pocket, don't ya? Wrong answer, shit head. If you spent all of it, you have to pay another 15% of it. Leaving you with a whopping $8160 of spending power. Mind you, don't forget to pay your student loan, for this wonderful education that has gotten you so far, to the government. If you don't, or you are late, they will make sure your credit history is totally fucked. Remember, we care.

It saddens me to think that my friends are in this situation and there is nothing you can do except cheer them on from the sidelines. I clued in when I was 23. I had a BA and the best job I could land was $8/hour working with guys who just got out of jail. I worked hard, saved my pennies (literally), paid off my bills, got a oneway ticket to the other side of the globe, and never looked back. Sure, I miss my buds and family, but that's the way it is.

They used to say "America; Love it, or leave it." I changed the pro noun and took option two.

I might be poor, but at least its fucking interesting and you can pull hot chicks. I'll tell ya more when we're in hell.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

It used to be about the music

A friend of mine is really into music, so I thought that I would cruise the net and find some things he had never heard before.

First up, if you don't die of laughter, I'll be surprised.

Who composed this masterpiece? This guy, This guy, and this guy. Still cant get enough? Think I'm bullshitting? Check out their website.

They are Canadian. Yo.

I hope somebody says something to them.

Or there is always this. OOOOH, YAH!

Here is my High School's song. I could not believe I found it on the web. Of course, the lyrics have changed, but the feeling is the same. Enjoy.

OF course, there is always the party re-mix.

Up the Irons!

Fucking Pissed OFF!!!!

My computer has a homepage reseting virus. Fucking nice. Everytime I try to do anything, there are these pop ups which tell me "Spyware detected". Really?! You think so?! It was only your motherfucking company that put it there in the first place. Oh my God, for only 29.95 and my credit card number, you nice cock smokers will get it off of my system. Sounds like extortion. Fuck you. I'll reinstall Windows...if I ever get any fucking time to.

Speaking of time, I spent some of that at work today. Hooray! Nothing like going into work on Saturday and not getting paid for it.

Due to popular demand, I have allowed A-NON-ah-Mus comments. Also, if you can't watch the movies or soundbites on the blog, try downloading Quicktime and Real One Player. Because, you will not want to miss *POLISH HIGH CULTURE*

Now, a lot of people are against downloading. They are wankers. Gee, someone who is lucky enough to do what they want for a living, has piles of cash, booze, broads, cars, blow, whatever really needs my 2 cents in royalties. But the royalties add up, you say, and they and their record company or movie studio lose millions. Wah, wah, wah, wahnk. How many times have you gone to a shit movie, or rented a shit movie, complain to try and get just some of your money back and get a response of "too fucking bad"? So the guys in Metallica cant have ivory and gold pics. Here is my 2 cents to you: Go sell those metrosexual clothes you wore when you made LOAD! (PS Did they sell out, or suck out?)

This is a band.

This is a joke.

This is the biggest joke of all time.

I have no idea what is happening in Canada. Business as usual, nodoubt. Flames lost and that is a bummer. However, here there was a small earthquake this afternoon. Freaked the hell out of me. It made work that much more....exhilarating.

Oh yeah, check this album out.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Salut et Bienvenue a ma Bloge!

Ca va? Mais, Je suis formidable!. Today could have unfolded into a nightmare. I had so much shit to do at work today. and I forgot my key card. Just, Awesome.

But on a really good note, I met up with some buddies I hadn't seen in a couple of years. One of them was here on vacation. We had a good time but I got home really late. Adding to today's potential nightmare. If I had missed the last train...

What has the army come to? Not too mention the navy! I read Time magazine yesterday. Fuck, the world is a mess. What is/was happening in Iraq is bad any way you dice it. But are you surprised? See how my government tried to brainwash us when I was a kid. They tried to tell us THIS was cool! Holy Shit! We were forced to watch that crummy TV show. At school no less.But I was switched on. I knew there was only one thing you could do.

Slick Black Cadillac.

There is an election happening now in Canada. I really don't care who wins at the moment.It's either the Liars or the Cons. The other party, wants blood from a stone. What ever happened to Preston Manning? Or John Turner? Any way you look at, the way Canda seems to be going, you'll be lucky to eat here on life's big occasions.

"This is almost as romantic as our wedding, baby."

I give life, 3.5 pints.

Monday, May 24, 2004

I did it!

In my mentally challenged state, I remembered my login name and password. Alright!

Some of my friends, not David Schwimmer, have been talking about their love for alcohol, beer in particular. Me too. I have been drinking waayyyyy too much recently. I've started to drink non-alcoholic beer recently just too give my guts a break. I am also down to only three smokes a day. I can't even remember the last time I saw anything that even looked like weed...mind you I was pretty baked.

But, my new job is working out fine. It was a lot better than teaching. You remember the old saying "If you through enough shit at a wall, eventually some of it my stick", well its bullshit. I hated teaching. SOme of the students were a few fries short of a happy meal, and my boss was a total witch. On the bright side I worked with a guy who looked like Jon Lovitz. But his personality could have used a bit of work.

But the new gig is good. Weekends off, paid holidays, internet access and compulsory company drinking every other Friday night. I shit you not. In Japanese, giri nomi kai. Here are some great things I see every other Friday: the bar district, wasted co-workers, hot broads, not so hot broads, and the eventual aftermath.

It's long way to the top if you want to rock and roll.

Well, my first entry is done. I'd like to thank Diaboch (or was it Laibach?) for pointing this blog stuff out to me. "Daiboch, Lebowski, Friend" oh, yeah his hair DOES look like that.

Before I forget...

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Where to begin?

This Blog is the beginning of a test to see if i have the discipline to continually update a website.