Blogger is as fucking gay as Liberace
I had a little post all lined up for this one, complete with shitty altered pictures and all other kinds of insanity, but after fucking around with signing in with Google and getting fucked around trying to retrieve a password, I just became frustrated and walked away from the PC instead of chucking the thing out the window. In short, Blogger is lame....but I'm probably lamer for using it.
Things around here are sunny. Nice weather today after the flash flood on Thursday and Friday. I didn't see much of the weather last week except through the windshield of my Schissekampfwagen as I was chained to work so the stockholders share prices would go up a point and all the VPs and upper echelon types could go to Vegas, or Phoenix, or wherever, for their conference and blow $1000s on cocaine, hookers and cheese pizzas. I am sure their meeting will produce very profound results. Basically, I am convinced with all their talking and snorting they've determined that:
- The dude must work harder.
- See number 1.
Other than that, not much happens in the life of yours truly anymore. Nothing seems to get my goat. (And don't even think about taking my goat, or I will put a Jihad on you - Fuck Yah!). I'm going to start looking for other employment pretty soon because I feel I'm worth more than these R-Tards are paying me.
I heard on the radio some politician in Edmonton, where people say things like "Your guys's", "Lesbinas" and "side by each", wants to put Bigfoot on the endangered species list. Shouldn't they prove the thing exists first? Lunatics.
I'm all blogged out. Just sitting here using blogger is making me feel gayer. Now, where is my teal tank top?
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