Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I had a good time in TO. I don't think I'd ever want to live there again, barring some 6 figure job and place downtown, but I had a pleasent trip. I was able to catch up with a lot of old friends and visit places that I had completely forgotten existed. I even squeezed an all-nighter in, which I hadn't done in years. Kev knows how to rock, but is shit at picking parkades.

We're down to the wire here. We've been going through our stuff seperating the wheat from the chaff. I should've invested in chaff, because there is a lot of it. Seriously, why do I have my Grade 7 geography notes? I've got to make an appointment to get to the Dust mine to drop off some of these papers.

All the major stuff is taken care of pretty much. I've got a few trips to the dump to take. I've got to send some stuff down to my bro in DC. Originally, myself and some bad relatives of mine were planning on driving the Schissebox 360 off of a busted up bridge out there way, but the $600 insurance money was too lame. Instead, I'm giving it away to one of my Nephans so he can drive it off the bridge for $1500. ha ha.

There's an election? Wow? I peer into the void and make this prediction....I see Hollywood celebrities backing the Democrat guy, bin Laden, and I see old cranky men backing the Republican guy, Oven Fries. Was that Deep and Delicious enough for you?

As for in Canuckistan, or Iranada, I see Harper winning. He's got great taste in Hockey teams. The NDP is looking like a huge joke. 3 candidates dropped because of Narcotics and then the protesters in BC roughing up little kids isn't exactly in the Machivelli playbook. I think the Liberal guy, Steve Dioff, has decided to pull a few of the knives out his back and plunge them into the back of the Liberal Party. I think he is tanking it on purpose to 1) get out of the world's shittiest job and 2) to return the favour to his comerades. I'm not voting for the Conservative Party (crickets), I'm voting for an independent guy if I'm in a good mood. If I'm pissed off that day I might have to vote for the local Marxist-Leninist guy. Maybe I'll vote for myself. Maybe I'll draw a big cock on the ballot. Plus, the fact that your ballot has an individual serial number on it which matches the serial number next to your name on the voter's list, doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Someone in Ottawa could, I'm not saying does or will here, see how everyone voted, which totally disgusts me. My prediction here is Harper wins. BQ the offical Op. Libs drop by 50%. Dippers stay the same. Maybe a Green or two from BC.

I visited the Doctor today. I've got Bronchitis again. I've been coughing up burnt oatmeal for like a week. The meds are pretty good. I also went skating today. I can't go swimming now for another 2 weeks. I don't have Cancer which is great because I had every symptom of Throat Cancer, except I could explain my weight loss.

The cat just farted and it reeeeeks. How can water, bugs and catfood smell like that...ever? Little weirdo.