Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prisoner escapes from Iron Dust Mine!

A lone, blackend faced Dwarf emerged from the ruins of Khazad Ferrum, or the Mount of Iron, after it's total annihilation by the power of free will. After salting the earth and cursing the location for a thousand generations in an ancient Elf language long forgotten, the dwarf vowed on the tombs of his ancestors to return on Friday to pick up his pay stub and drop off his name tag.

Here is an epic poem that reflects this time.

Cant forget his face

What a lonely place

Has he really let us go?

All the time thats lost

Whats the final cost

Will I really get away

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream

Reaching for somebodys star

Cant be believed it all

Did he really fall?

What to do now I dont know

Somethings calling me back

Theres a light in the black

Am I ready to go?

Im coming home

Breathed the air before

Heard the thunder roar

Never knew it was for me

Always looking down

Lost and never found

Eyes that looked but not to see

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream

Reaching for somebodys star

Like an open door

That youve passed before

But youve never had the key

Somethings calling me back

Like a light in the black

Am I ready to go?

Im coming home,

Im coming home

Im going back to my home

Im going home, home, home

Im going home, home, home

Im coming back

Wont forget his face

What a lonely place

Did he really let us go?

All the time thats lost?

Whats the final cost?

Will I really get away?

All my life it seems

Just a crazy dream Reaching for somebodys star

Cant believe it all

Did he really fall

What to do now well I know

Somethings calling me back

Like a light in the black

Yes Im ready to goIm coming home, home

Im on my way back home

Im here to stay

Here I will stay

Ill stay, Ill stay

Hey! Hey! Vinny Appice!

To all my krackas out there, peeping dis shiznit, I be in da Big Smoke from 27 August to 15 September. Scar-lem represent. Pay-ce.


PS to metal mikhail, slayer of blogs, scurge of HR: I'll be available to collect the 3 beers you owe me (won through various internet contests over the past few years) at any point during my trip. I'll be staying near the Brunny (fuck, yah! Homesauce) so I'll take a pitcher, or two, as payment in full. Do you think Champy will be about, or am I going to have to steal your car and drive to gay-ass ottawa?