So THAT was my password...
It has been a very long time since I wrote anything on this blog, or anywhere else for that matter. I guess I was waiting for some sort of event that would warrant a bulletin of some kind, but nothing ever happened.
Things are going along much as they were before, in a very linear way with the odd up and down. So that's why I decided to raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell.
Get your mouse over the flag button, because the gloves are coming off.
I came back to Canada over two years ago, as a citizen, to live, work and start a family. I applied to well over 100 jobs online, about another 50 or so through the paper and other sources. There were also the job websites, which I won't mention because I'll be damned if I'm going to advertise for them here.
So, in my native land, with an education and true "real-world" experience I was able to get a job stocking the shelves at Superstore and at the History destruction plant. Realising that any chance of me getting employment that would be a satisfactory fit with my education and experience were low to zero, I thought I'd get all the relative safety licenses/tickets to go work in the oil/gas industry whether on a rig, in a plant, pipeline, whatever.
After $1000 and a few half days and weekends over a couple of months, I had all my tickets and started applying online at companies involved in the oil/gas sector. I applied to everything I could. Now for all my trouble all I get is the odd Husky Update informing me of all the progress and money they are making. If I had been a Native Indian, they would've hired me immediately (I think the provincial government pays part of their salary...I mean me the taxpayer pays part of their salary)
When that turned up nothing, I started applying for trade jobs/apprenticeships. I am on the top of about 5 lists. I went to the electrician's union, the plumber's union, millwrights, etc. Someone has trained all of these people to give out the Hollywood "Yes", which means "No, please fuck off and dont come back."
Back in March, I had an interview with a drilling company. After the interview and medical tests they hired me. I was given an info packet about all the stuff I would need and I was stoked. My start date was the end of May/beginning of June. Here it is July 6, and I still haven't heard anything. I've called my contact guy, left messages, emailed and I even went down to the office and left a note giving my details and those of my time of hire and the interview. (He wasn't there, and that wasn't a surprise at all). Nothing. Not a word.
So, without any real options to speak of we have decided to return to Japan. I have no intentions of returning here to live. Canada has rejected me, and I have rejected her. We have chosen a place in Japan on the beach facing the Pacific Ocean. It isn't Tokyo or any other big city, although Tokyo is about 2 hours or so by train. I'll have to teach, which, although I don't really like it, will be better than working at the African refugee circus I've been stuck in for the last 2 years.
As I waited in vain for the drilling job to start, I remembered a lot of the reasons I left in the first place. Canada is becoming the world's biggest third world country. We import the most useless people to be new Canadians, or should I say slaves, to do the jobs that we've all become too lazy to do. (But Lebowski, Canadians don't want to do a lot of those jobs. Newsflash, neither do they and that is why they do a shit job at it.) As I slipped further and further down the ladder of the proletariat, I noticed the huge chasm between rich and poor. Huge. Fucking Massive. Like 10,000 light years.
The barbarians are here. They've breeched the gate, but in typical Canadian style we've decided to hand over the keys to the Kingdom to all our new friends, whose religion demands that they kill us all eventually. Whether this country is ruled by the greedy inept French/Italian Gangsters from Montreal or the greedy/inept Western Oil Kings doesn't matter. Greed will destroy this country. The muslims will finish it off just as the Visigoths finished off the Romans.
I'm selling off all of my stuff (someone up for some cheap CDs LPs?), packing my bags for the Misty Mountains.
So in closing:
- Fuck Canada
- Fuck Islam
- Fuck Big Oil
- and