Workin' for the MAN.
It's the middle of the night on Friday and I am at work...again. Only tonight and tomorrow night to go and then this working over night business is history. This month is relatively slow for me. I have quite a bit of vacation time this month, so I should be well refreshed. Tonight's move is a lot better than last week's. Last week was a 12 hour nightmare with high humidity. Tonight is slow. Which is good. Slow is good.
No Rantings tonight. Maybe because I am too tired.
I flipped through the online papers. The presidential debate was today, or yesterday, depending on where you are at the present. Haven't read much about it. Dissappointed the Great Gazoo didn't make an appearance. I did read, from another blog, that Bush is a bad public speaker. I have always found his scripted speeches, like the one he gave to the UN earlier this week, to be well structured and written. However, when he speaks on his own, he sounds like a donut shop patron attempting to pontificate his world views. Basically, lame and confused. Kerry always sounds like he just smoked a pack of cigarets.
So who won? When you vote, or if you could vote, who will you, or would you, choose?
I've already talked about how I feel ove the calibre of the candidates to begin with, but thankfully we haven't seen too much crack-potting over here. I keep expecting Madonna, or some other washed-up celebrity, to take over my TV screen on go off on some nonsensical diatribe about who to vote for. Actors, famous ones anyway, always piss me off around elections. People who get paid a lot of money to pretend to be other people for a couple of months really don't register too high in my ideal pecking order of society.
Also, I am starting to wonder what exactly is going on with the fight against the Islamic Jihadists. Nothing happened at either convention, there haven't been any real spectacular "HOLY SHIT!" attacks and no one knows if bin Laden is alive or not. So, are we doing a good job, or are the terrorists feebing out?
I do think, no matter what the outcome of all of this is, Western society is due for a political infrastructure correction.
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