Thursday, September 16, 2004

Is there an election, or something, going on?

Looking at the US Imperator elections from a far away land is really fun. Fortunately, It is impossible to be caught up in the politcal discourse with intelligent co-workers who watch the likes of CITY TV. So, that means there is absolutely no discussion about military records, voting records, lobby group commercials, etc.

Are there any issues in the "election"? All you see on TV are polls and shit about military records.

So, I thought, for a change, I'd get political on your candy asses. Do you smelllllllllll what the dude is smokin'?


  • has a lot of money
  • was in the navy
  • threw medals at Ronald McDonald
  • likes hockey (Bruins)
  • supposedly Catholic


  • has a lot of money
  • has own GI JOE figure
  • took high school dropouts out of McDonalds and put them in Iraq
  • likes blow
  • supposedly intelligent

Hmmmmmm. Tough choice. A rich ex-radical hippy or a rich ex-blowfiend moron.


Is this the best that the West can offer? Seriously. This is it? Well, whoever wins they'll have a giant mess in the Middle East on their hands and a stagnant economy, not to mention an angry obese populace . I don't think either of them are fit for the job. I can't believe the system will work for long when the calibre of the candidates is so bad. If we are going to have "bad" candidates in this farcical popularity contest, lets give the Prols something they want to see. I said "God Damn".

My Republican Candidate is this guy. My Democratic Candidate is this guy.


  • has a lot of money
  • was heavyweight champ
  • has multiple action figures and video game appearances
  • related to Triple H


  • has a lot of money
  • introduced "Wooooooo!" into the English language
  • Real people's Champion
  • snazzy bathrobes

Who will it be America? A man who sold-out Stone Cold, or the man who bloodied the Heart Break Kid?

But, Hey it could be worse.