Beer: The Cure for the Summer Time Blues?
That is the name of my next thesis. Well, either that or "No Blood for Chicken: Bush, Iraq and KFC Inc."
Well, it's exactly 4 am Tokyo Time on Sunday 12 September 2004 and I am at work. I shit you not I am at my desk at work. I got home from work on Saturday morning at 9am and came back to work on saturday night at 10:30 pm. This month is really busy as I am involved in the move from building A to building B.
Sorry I haven't rapped at anyone for a longtime. Since I moved to Castle von DudeSkull, I have no internet, and this blogsite used to be restricted at work. Also, I am worried about my hotmail. It was at 96% capacity the last time I checked it a month ago....
The new place is cool. The old lady and I really dig it. I mowed half the lawn and plan to do the other half sometime next month. Yeah it looks shitty but so what. I would like to welcome a "Mister Cool", or "Metal Mike", or "Dibach", or "Sloth, Chunk, Friend" or whatever he goes by these days to the blog. Everyone a big round of applause for Metal Sloth. Also, Danger Dale from the bowels of Cyodon England has checked out the Blog. shout out to Dale.
Its 4:10 and I have to go and talk to some guy about some boxes that are being moved. Everyone, keep it real.
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