Friday, June 10, 2005

Red Wine Hangover

Okay, Okay, Okay. I know I have been off the booze for quite a while. Well, not totally, but I cut my consumption down by like 90% in the past 6 months (has it been that long?) . I try to avoid drinking too much like a Frenchman avoids soap. However, yesterday on my way home from Uni I stopped in at the grocery store to pick up some snacks for the lady and found myself in the wine section.

Seeing as her and I are totally broke, I have been watching all my expenditures very carefully to say the least. Well, in the wine section was a Red that I thought I would enjoy and, more importantly, I could afford. Looking at the back of the bottle, I found this great little chart they had put there with information as to what temperature to drink it at, what kind of food it goes well with, the range of the alcohol content (between 11 - 18%...nice margin), etc. All this for 350 yen, or about $4 Ontario money.

Despite it being a screw top, I actually waited to get home before drinking it.

The first glass was a bit reminiscent of 'Night Train', the world's worst sweet wine beside "King Cobra". But the fact that I was able to finish the first glass and pour myself a second proved that it was more palatable than Night Train. By the end of the second glass, I thought I was at the Last Supper and it was time to get the waiter over here for another round, and maybe a little bread too. Glass three had me arguing with the TV and threatening the industry's demise unless they met my demands of putting something on that was watchable at midnight and launched all copies of Colombo in Japan directly at the sun. Glass four had me silently sitting there watching World Champion Darts muted. Rest of the bottle right out of the bottle got me up and into the kitchen watching the 3 guppies my wife bought last week. I kept thinking about how tasty they'll be once salted. FUCK, YEAH!

Now today, I feel like total crap. I have gut rot, my head feels like I have a bullet wound in it, my shit was black this morning and the slightest noise is amazingly amplified by 1000%. Tomorrow afternoon I have to go to a wedding and drink beer and sake. I don't know if I can handle it. I feel like a burn victim here. Sake is like fucking paint stripper. Anybody I've ever met who says they like sake was either an idiot or had their tastebuds burnt out with battery acid years before. That shit will take the enamel right off your teeth. Don't believe me, look at some Japanese teeth some time.

Anyway, I have to go eat a bottle of aspirin and maybe grab a sandwich.