Sunday, June 05, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3

'Holy shit! Yoda got awesome.' - Enerst Hemingway.

I got a chance to see Episode 3 this weekend and boy was I thrilled. In an earlier post, I speculated as to what might happen and a few things I wouldn't mind seeing occur in that galaxy far, far away.

From the get go I was sucked into the movie. The opening sequence over Corsucant was fantastic and immediately made up for the failings of the other two prequels in my mind. As the film progressed, smal blips were going off on the the Ghey-dar, punctuated with the odd full-fledged cinematic T-bag. Here are some of my observations of things that made the movie excellent, and also dragged it down the hurting scale towards "Santa versus the Martians."


  • When Obi-Wan and Anakin crash of the Droid ship, eject and slay.
  • R2's pyromania in the hangar of the Droid ship.
  • Dooku getting his girlfriends chopped off and then decapitated.
  • The battle on the Wookie planet.
  • General Grievious and Obi-Wan battling it out.
  • The Stormtrooper wasting that Robotic Spider Droid.
  • Jedi getting shot in the back. ("Take that K'ron! Ahhhhh!")
  • Chewbacca
  • Yoda's assault on the Jedi Temple.
  • Vader killing the Trade Federation guys.
  • The Vader Obi-Wan light saber duel.
  • Yoda's duel with the Emperor
  • Vader getting his limbs chopped off.
  • Vader bursting into flames. Golfing Flames. Golfing. Golfing.
  • The Vader Mask Cam.


  • The voice of the guy on Grievious' bridge.
  • Anakin's cardboard dialog with Count Dooku.
  • Grievious: The melodramatic 1920s silent movie villan in robotic form.
  • Nice Wookie Tarzan call.
  • Obi-Wan's 'V' gesture before he fights.
  • Lightning turns the Chancellor into an over-actor.
  • Qui-Gon?! Nice way to patch any problems there.
  • Jar-Jar! Fuck!
  • The topper.

All in all, I enjoyed it. I hope in 25 years Lucas decides to make Episodes 7, 8 and 9. That way the kids of today can bitch about how that old fart Lucas wrecked Star Wars to their kids.

On an aside, imagine how awesome it would have been if Lucas had chosen to set the last act of Return of the Jedi on the Wookie planet rather than Endor? What was he thinking? But then again, if had been that awesome people would've been even more upset by the cheezy crapacity of elements within the prequels.

'Never Underestimate the Power of the Stoned Side of the Force.' - Darth Lebowski