Yum Yum
Classes were OK tonight. My hands still have chalk on them. I haven't used the chalk as a projectile...yet. I can't take it all too seriously, I can only meet the kids halfway. I don't need to learn about Carthage, they do. If they don't practice (the class is done in English), or do their homework, that's their problem.
While at work, it started to rain. Rainy season has started. It'll probably rain everyday until July 1st and then it will be hot as the centre of the sun for 2 months. Hooray. Regardless, on my way home I stopped in at a convini and bought a beer. I looked at the nuts section, but all they had was a bunch of shitty peanuts and dried seafood stuff. I might feed that to someone I hated, or to a dog...if I wanted to see them vomit all over the place.
I made my way to the counter and pushed an oldman out of the way. He froze when I yelled "Who won the war, eh?!! Eh?!!" and shook my fist at him. He didn't go away until I threw a bunch of lighters at him. My new completely shaven hair style added to the effect. Anyway, I bought my beer and the lady behind the counter gave me the old "sabisu". I then threw a motor scooter through the window and cackled madly into the rainy night.
"Sabisu" means "service", or free shit. Free shit indeed. I got home and inspected what treasure of snackdom I scored for free. Ugh, fuckity, ugh, ugh. Nuts with small dried fish.
Thanks for the old stock. The expiry date is O D15Q, whatever the fuck that means. Other fantastic flavours offered by the "Bourbon" snack company of Tokyo are "Seafood beans", "Peanut Octopus mix", and the timeless favourite "Salted Guppies".
Yum. Yum.
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