Sunday, July 18, 2004


Well, the Mercury hit a wafty 40 degrees today. Only 6 more weeks of this shit summer. I need a new hat. I need a beer. I need a spliff. I need to be transported to somewhere where sweat doesn't gush out of your forearms for no reason other than heat. Blllleeeearghh.
Yesterday we went shopping at Yodobashi Kamera. We looked at new TVs for our new place. Plasma flat screens are in, and the old style big box is out. Unfortunately, even the cheapest flat screen is like 400,000 yen, or about $3600 US, or $12 Billion Canadian. (for other currencies go here). I love TV, I love video games on a big TV. But I don't love it that much. We did find a 36 inch TV for about 110,000 yen. Just in time for the Olympics. We also looked at other appliances and a BBQ. I need a BBQ, and a hammock, and a kiddie pool, and a new hat, and a beer, and a spliff, and to be transported...
But I have my eye on something mindblowing, if I get a Christmas bonus. Depending on the size of the bonus (somewhere between a month's dough and 2 months dough) I want to by a projector TV, like they have in bars and pubs. "IF" is the key word.
We also saw a robot vaccuum cleaner. I wish I could remember the name of it so I could post a link. It was the size of a toliet seat and it roamed around cleaning shit up. In a couple more years, it will be standard Japanese home appliance kit, just like 61 inch Flat Plasma screen TVs. fingers crossed.
We also saw a full blown crazy guy near Yodobashi Kamera. He couldn't take his eyes away from the reflection of himself drinking a coke, or something, in a mirrored pillar at the train station. He was jumping up and down, moon walking, laughing his nuts off. He was about forty. One of those "rolled-up" jeans crazies with crappy old baseball hat. There was also the bug eyed man on the train going home.
What do you think the Japanese made of me? Hey, I'm painting a picture of them, what do you think they thought of me?
Well, at least I wasn't wasted.
Oh yeah, don't forget,