Monday, September 18, 2006

Driving and fighting

Things are moving slowly, slowly, slowly forward. At least they aren't going in forward in reverse anymore, and for that I am thankful.

Yesterday, I drove my nephews and a friend of theirs to Drumheller, or Bumsmeller, if you are in the know, stopped in at my sister's and had a big wafty brunch. We drove back to the city at around 2 pm or so.

After we had been at their place for a bit, their sister called and her boyfriend got on the phone acting all hard about $80 that one of my nephews owed him. My nephew got pissed off at the way he was being addressed and decided that he'll pay the $80 and the boyfriend could go use his intimidation tactics on someone else. I back my nephew 100%.

Bit of a back story here, the boyfriend has had a history of confrontation with both of my nephews. They have owed him money in the past and have repaid him. However, the boyfriend always figures he has to puff up his chest and try and push them around. Nobody pushes my kinsmen around on my watch. There have also been two confrontations which came to blows over the past couple of years since buddy has been on the scene. In both altercations, the boyfriend not only attacked first, he also waited until his opponent had their backs turned. What a tough guy.

When we showed our unified position yesterday without incident, my niece and her boyfriend came, picked up the $80 and left. My niece decided to say a few things as they left, and I said "Fuck it." to my nephews as I went back into the house for another glass of water.

The line is drawn in the sand, and if buddy crosses it, he won't like what happens next.


Is that juicy enough for you, Mike?