My favourite quotes
Some gut named Mitch, or White Castle, or something, has tagged me asking for my favourite quotes. Don't expect them to be verbatim or anything.
"When you're right 52% of the time, you're wrong 48% of the time." - Jimmy the Greek, a Sports analyst from the Simpsons.
"A Wizard is neither late nor early, Frodo Baggins. He arrives exactly when he wants to." - Gandalf the Grey, Wizard and Super Powerful Uber Hippy
"Dude, Are you fucking this up?!" - Walter Sobchek
"I'm gonna take a flamethrower to this place!!!" - My main man in Okusawa town after 2 beers.
"I'll call you back, kay, muddy?" - my ex-boss, affectionally known as "Slippery"
"Totally suck, you do" - Yoda to Luke Skywalker on Dagobagh.
"Read my lips 'No New Taxes'" - El Presidente George Bush.
"Brown wings, dude. I'm talking about brown wings!" - My main man in Okusawa town after 3 beers.
"Ho-Ho-Hold the payments" - the Christmas Leon's Furniture commercial.
"He shoots! He scores!" - Bob Cole and/or Harry Neal, the Leafs announcers.
"What's taters, precious?" - Gollum.
"Did you pee on your pants?" - my wife.
"I'm driving" - me, after about 7 pints.
"Them visor wearin' fairies from Sweden" - Don Cherry
"Ricky, you're not going to smoke that nasty old foot hash, are ya?" - Bubbles
"Whaddaya talkin' about, Bubs. It's awesome." - Ricky
"Fortune favours the brave" - Titus Livy
"So, how many extra chromosomes do you need to get into your Alma Mater?" - me
I'm going to Tag Cool Metal Mike Toronto Cool.
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