Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dude calling Tokyo. Come in Tokyo, over.

Yesterday, I had to go to Shibuya for a meeting of sorts. I brought my phone and used its digital camera to document my adventure. Everything was going well enough until I left the house. It went downhill from there. Bikes, glacially slow old people, children with no depth perception nor spacial awareness, crowded trains, retards, cripples, foreigners, hot weather, ad et cetrum. Needless to say, the dude was losing his cool. It went from Zeppelin's Misty Mountain Hop to this:

scanning the scene
in the city tonight
looking for you
to start up a fight
There is an evil feeling
in our brains
But it is nothing new
you know it drives...hey check this out

Someone actually built a shrine to Trudeau. Unbelievable! What's next? Hitler's Jeans?

Oh, I get it. The "Master Lace". Whatever floats your boat, buddy.

I guess booze floats this guys boat. 10:35 am on a Wednesday no less. If I were him, I'd drink too.