Plan 10 from Outer Spaced Out v2.0
To my 2 loyal readers, and Danger Dale, all of your comments have disappeared. I have included halo-screen to make it easier for so called "friends" to leave comments. Seriously, a lot of people said they had problems and were too impatient to leave comments the oldway. They think Blogging is gay, but dont mind reading drivel.
Today is Sunday. I am at home. It's...about noon? Listening to Cypress Hill. Things are finally winding down from the running around of September and October. The new job is going well. The first couple of weeks were hectic, but I feel I have become grounded somewhat. It was steep learning curve and still is. But you can't take shit too seriously...meaning the job and being yelled at. ha ha. I've already gotten off on a bad foot with some people so it is bound to get interesting.
Just like Chong, I hit the bowl then reload it.
The weather has been great this weekend. I think that might also be affecting my mood. Yesterday morning, though, I would've done anything for a rocket launcher to blow away the old electronics delivery/pick-up truck. After working a really long week and being exhausted, this tool decides to park infront of my house blasting this lame music and soliciting people to bring out their old electronics and check out the garbage he is hauling around over a loudspeaker at 8 am. Then he proceeds to drive around the neighbourhood for another 90 minutes. Fuck it isn't him its the guy selling laundry poles or baked sweet potatoes. Where's the Beer guy?
For my bachelor buddies out there, here is some advice on how to get a chick to fuck you...or break up with her. Are you that smooth?
If you're gonna quit, do it in style.
And if you've never seen it "Proletariat Jedi"
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