Summertime Blues
This is going to be a short one. Just read the paper online. (by paper I actually mean a whole bunch of different papers, or articles from, presented at Google news). Canada is still retarded, I see. Homolka is going to get out of jail. I hope the Frenchies lynch her. I also see a whole bunch of washed up Canadian Talent descended on Barrie for the weekend. Where was SLik Toxik? Huh? Was there an address from Bob Geldof to the crowds
"Attention people of Earth! I haven't showered for weeks but you must respect me because I am a one-time sucessful recording artist and Cult movie star with a lot more money than any of you'll see. Bow to my social concious."
Ending Poverty is a noble idea, but so is bathing. So let me get this straight, we're going to extinguish poverty by handing free money out to the leaders of despotic totally backward flintstonesque countries. Wow, what a brilliant plan. Why don't we just skip the middleman, wire the dough straight to the Dictators' accounts in Geneva and have a plush London SoHo fully-furnished flat waiting for him and his 7 wives, each of which with 7 kids, with 7 kittens?
Let's end poverty in the third world by lowering the living standards on the middleclass and working class in the idustrialised world. That's fair trade isn't it? Yes! I want to eat out of a tin can and have flies walking on my eyeballs!
Fuck no! Our ancestors built our civilization by hard work, balls, and a democratic system of government that worked enough to provide power plants, hospitals, universities, etc. If you are unwilling to go get something for yourself, why the fuck should I hand it to you?
Isn't Canada in debt? Why don't you put on a debt-relief concert for us, Bob, the ones who actually put some cash in your greasy jeans? You too, Bono. Why don't the two of you put on a concert for us, convince the banks that it was all a mistake, then and only then can you come in and hijack our foreign policy.
It used to be about the music.
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