Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Waning Adventures in the Far-East

I'm short, to use the parlence of the Viet-nam war. We're in full packing mode here. You'd be amazed at how much crap you can accumulate over a couple of years. When I came back a few years ago, I had a hockey bag and a back pack. That's it. Now....

I went to the Post Office to see how much it will cost to send my stuff home via surface mail. Expensive. Then I remembered that a month or so ago, maybe more, time has no meaning anymore, I saw a poster for a moving company in the Canadian Bar in Tokyo in the Men's Room, or Men,s Room if you are keeping score on the inside jokes. Long story short, the poster is long gone and the place has gone through some sort of management change. I had one pint and hit the road. The X Files were coming on soon.

Here is a photo collage of my latest adventure along with the director's cut commentary. Enjoy.

Here is my personal Fortress of Soli-dude, where all of my adventures start. The car isn't mine. It's the gardner's. See the shed? It blew over last year around this time. No big commentary here I just wanted to show you Castle von Dudeskull.

Shibuya is the centre of most of my adventures. This photo was taken from a cafe terrace on the shit side of the station. (Where the old ARUP office used to be). I met up with my buddy Jay for a couple of coffees and a shit shooting session. He just came back from Canada and is planning on fleeing for his life in a couple of months too. Our conversation was aaugmented by the antics of the two middle aged pornographers at the next table. Stacks of CDs and polaroids exchanged hands.

Check out the Scooter/delivery buggy. It's rad.

Have you seen this? It is the world's shittiest drink. Pepsi Cola Company can hold their heads high knowing that they have created the two worst soft drinks ever: this and Pepsi Twist. In fact, my theory is that this drink is just Pepsi Twist that has been diluted with soda water.

But wait! There's more!

Check out the coupon for 50yen off of a piece of Conveince store Fried Chicken! Would you eat a piece of Fried Chicken from Mac's or 7-11?

This shit boils my blood. It is also one of the reasons that I can't wait to get on the last chopper out of the shit. Actually, this picture combines two things that drive me mad: Bicycles and idiots.

Who the fuck would think "Hey, I'll park my bike 2 feet away from the ticket gates at the station"? Obviously, an idiot. But the scariest thing about this is the fact that there is another generation of idiot waiting to pass on the wisdom of their idiot parents.

This idiocy only has one cure seeing as beating people on the street is frowned upon.

Pound a beer and look dangerous.

Fuck, I'm hot.

Here is another part of Shibuya.

Notice anything ridiculous?

This guy, complete with his man bag, is heading home after a hard day of posing. This Gangsta is wearing about $2000 worth of Fly Gear. This guy keeps it real by smoking Marlboro Menthol, ristening to Lap music, drinking tea, handing out flyers and watching cartoons.

Shibuya Leplesent, yo.

Before I wrap this one up, Congratulations to Mr.Cool and his new job. M has gone through a lot of the same problems as I have stress wise with work. Almost like a mirror. Anyway, I hope his new job is agreeing with him. How's it going, Mike? Stressed yet?