Sunday, October 30, 2005

This Week has been weak

Hola Amigos. It's been a while since I rapped at ya, but I've been as busy as a one legged man at a shit eating contest.

Where to begin? To ease the pain of everyday life and to get my weekly dose of Casinorama commercials I've listened to the last two dismal Leaf performances. Keep reading E, this part won't take long. WTF? Thanks for letting me down, boys. The Leafs have been playing like fucking muppets.

Recently the Leafs have been:

A)Fucking Lame as Fuck.
B)Just hurting.
C)Special Olympics Calibre.
D)Pissing me off twice a week.
E) All of the above.

Work has been okay. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, 'Some fucking imposter has taken Lebowski's Blogsite! First the Leafs, now work!'. I assure you it's me. I've been able to put my brain in a Zen state of mind at work focusing on a number. It was 47 on Friday and it'll be 44 on Monday. Work has been okay, but dealing with employers hasn't. I've got an appointment to kick some ass and lay some smackdown next Friday when I go to pick up my pay. I've been going to the gym...getting ready for that flying Macho Man elbow off the top of the desk. OH YEAH!

If you don't want to read my little political rant, close your eyes now.... I see the religion of Peace has been spreading the word peacefully with some peaceful explosives. In fact, all of this Peace is really getting on my nerves. If some peaceful fanatic tries to pull that shit on my ride home, I might have to open a can of Peace-ass on him. All of this peacefulnessousicity has even led to Piglet being banned in the UK. It looks like of this peacefulness is going to spill out into a bigtime brawl in a couple of years. That's all.

I see on another blog that there were going to be some pictures of Mr.Cool, complete with empty pint glass and Champagne E, complete with fun-fur raving overalls. But, the blogger asked if they would mind if their pictures were posted, and of course they declined. Well, she is not the only one with pictures of the West side lads. I had to do some searching through the hard drive, but sure enough I found a great pictures of them or maybe they're doppelgangers.

Happy Birthday, Metal! Beer, smokes, shanks and skanks! Alright!

Everything is better with a little......Ginger Al...I mean...Champagne. Who wouldn't go to raves?

Suspiciously though, Champagne seems to resemble my cat, Sgt.Meowenstein, before we got rid of him.

Well, that's what it has been like on this side of the world. Getting old, getting grey. Getting ripped off, underpaid. Getting sold, second hand. That's what its like working for the Man. It's a long way to the top if you want a sausage roll.