Today, I officially stopped the insanity. I quit my job for the second time and it was like giant cinder blocks being lifted off my body. I am me again and it feels awesome. Now, I have to quit wallowing in the behavourial sink and get my ass back to work somewhere. Well, maybe next week...
I am just hanging out at the house playing computer games and painting. Pimping ain't easy, but if it's the only gig in town (I'd like to say "Thank you" to my main man in Okusawa Town for pointing out that I'm living off my woman and thus "Pimpin'") Maybe, I'll add it too my resume. Hey, Why the fuck not? At least prospective employers will actually want to see if it's for real, right? Maybe not. Oh well.
Computer games are a total waste of time. I finished designing an awesome mission for Sudden Strike 2 with the built in editor and a few MODs. I designed it so the body count is well into the 1000s and not a piece of scenery is left standing. It starts with the Soviet Infantry charging over the densest minefield straight into the SS Panzer Division "Wiking"'s (pronounced "Fucking Killer") Anti-tank guns dug-in all along a ridge. Once the confetti of flesh settles along the Steppe, an Armada of T-34s descends on the spent Anti-Tank guns. Luckily, the gun crews are armed with Panzerfausts so the SS can do their ecological duty and return tonnes of iron and other metals back to the earth. Having had enough, the Russians send in the paratroopers to take the ridge. That is when it gets interesting and the real battling begins. What an awesome game. You can play either the Soviets or the Germans, and either way it is rad.
Painting has been fun, but I can't find the paint that I am used to. I've been using Tamiya hobby paint, which smells like burnt garbage bags. I also bought the wrong brushes which has been making things difficult.
Other than that, nothing much has been happening. There was a dying crippled pidgeon in the park yesterday that I was going to put out of its misery with a rock, but my wife stopped me. I guess one of the stray cats got it, because it was gone when I went for my walk this morning.
I've been able to control my drinking really well. I had a few beers on Saturday at a party for a friend who is moving to the Phillipines to do his translating job from there. Lucky turd. It was a strange club called "Super deluxe". The reason I use "strange" is because they had a movie of bugs fucking on the entire time I was there. I guess thats cool. Maybe not.
I still think Q107 is lamer than ever. In Calgary, they didn't drag that old shit skit "the Champ" out to fill the time between vomit inducing Joni Mitchell songs. What the fuck is up with this "Today a child will find a gun, take it to school and use it" service announcement? BS. Also, to the fat-scrag on "citizen Q" complaining about people leaving their Christmas lights up; maybe I celebrate the birth of JC everyday and just for you I'll rearrange them to say "Q 107 Blows". Maybe the guy from KORN who became a born again Christian will concur.
Y'know wha'm sayin?
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